Event Assistant Interviews - Job Interview Success Series

Event Assistant Interviews - Job Interview Success Series

Seven Dimensions
Updated Mar 08, 2019

Dustin, Kirra and Charlotte are three young job seekers with virtually no experience. They are interviewed for an event assistant job and have a lot of questions to answer, and that's not all they will have to do!

Key Learning Points

  • Be able to describe yourself positively
  • Make sure you have researched the business
  • Think long term and have a plan that will show the employer you are a good prospect.
  • If you are not working have a good reason for leaving your last job and be able to describe constructive things you are doing
  • Be prepared to describe previous accomplishments
  • Be able to describe your working style positively
  • Describe how you can multitask and manage pressure
  • Give examples of how you prioritise your work efficiently
  • It’s good to say you would ask for help and guidance for clarification
  • Have examples ready of past experiences that show you can handle conflict
  • Describe how you manage your own performance to ensure high standards
  • Have good reasons for failing to achieve a deadline or target
  • Be flexible with your working hours and/or be prepared to offer alternatives
  • Always prepare questions about the company

This video is part of the Job Interview Success Series. A dynamic series uses a variety of case studies and examples, with excellent advice and practical information to help ensure success at a wide range of interviews. A must for everyone wanting to succeed at job interviews, especially young people and those who lack confidence.

Target Audience
Community, Youth, All staff