Office 2013 - Powerpoint Beginners - Introducing PowerPoint

Office 2013 - Powerpoint Beginners - Introducing PowerPoint

Jenison ELearning
Updated Nov 08, 2018

Learning Objectives

  • Identify PowerPoint Functions
  • Start PowerPoint
  • Work with the Ribbon
  • Navigate through the File tab
  • Use Help

Course Overview

This introduction to Microsoft PowerPoint has allowed you to get a feel for the program.

PowerPoint can be opened from a Desktop icon, an icon on the Start menu or from Microsoft Office 2010 in the All Programs section of the Start menu.

The Ribbon contains Commands arranged in Groups according to function and organised into themed Tabs.

The File tab contains all the functions previously located in the File menu and Office button menu in Office 2007.

Help is available from the backstage View on the File tab, from the Help button in the top right-hand corner of the window or by using the F1 shortcut key.