Office 2010 - Excel Beginners - Formatting Data

Office 2010 - Excel Beginners - Formatting Data

Jenison ELearning
Updated Nov 07, 2018

Learning Objectives

  • Change numeric formatting 
  • Set decimal places 
  • Modify font, size and colour
  • Centre text across columns 
  • Align data in cells 
  • Apply bold, italic and underline
  • Add borders 
  • Change background colour 
  • Use the format painter feature

Course Overview

  • The Formatting toolbar contains buttons that change the appearance of the worksheet.
  • To change the way numbers in a worksheet are displayed use the numeric formatting buttons. 
  • Excel automatically adjusts the height of rows to accommodate the data they contain. 
  • You can align data in cells using the alignment buttons.
  • To centre data across a selected range of columns use the Merge and Centre button.
  • The Format Painter applies existing formats to other cells in the worksheet.