Pathways - Team Development - Team Types

Pathways - Team Development - Team Types

Effective teams come in all shapes and sizes, from large cross-functional working groups to small action teams involving just a few people. In this course, you will reflect on the different types of team you've been involved in, and identify the shared characteristics that made those teams effective. In addition, you will learn techniques to manage remote and virtual teams.

Jenison ELearning
Updated Nov 08, 2018

Course Contents 

  • First thoughts
  • Team characteristics
  • Your challenge
  • Second thoughts
  • Follow-up

Learning Objectives

  • Recognise the different team types
  • Know the key characteristics of teams
  • Know the trouble stages teams are likely to encounter
  • Understand how virtual teams work

Course Overview

This course asks the learner to reflect on the different types of teams they have worked in to introduce not just a range of team types, but also their common features. It then explores the particular challenges of leading a remote or virtual team and how these can be addressed. 

Course Duration

30 - 35 minutes