Negotiating Mastery

Negotiating Mastery

Sandler Admin
Updated Jun 11, 2019

Course Overview

Negotiating Mastery is a nine-lesson course on how to reach win-win agreements. It was designed for owners, managers, and salespeople who are routinely putting together complicated deals, negotiating discounts, or enterprise selling. While this course is based primarily around sales negotiations, it will also be helpful to managers and owners negotiating any type of contract. The goal of negotiating is to reach an agreement that satisfies both parties and moves the relationship forward. Each side feels that the other was fair. Fairness, or at least the perception of fairness, is critical. In order to achieve this, each side needs to uncover a better understanding of what the other really wants. The best test of a true win/win outcome is whether or not each party would want to enter into additional negotiations with the other in the future. A Sandler-trained salesperson knows how to get a good deal and leaves the other side thinking they negotiated a good deal too.

Target Audience

Sales and Executives

Learning Outcomes

  • How to negotiate effectively
  • Understanding and dealing with the professional negotiator
  • Identifying sources of negotiating leverage
  • How personality, style, and persuasion effect outcomes
  • The most common negotiating mistakes
  • The top 12 gambits buyers use and the countermeasures
  • Breaking through apparent impasses
  • Making concessions
  • Preparing for your next negotiation

Business Outcomes

  • Close more deals, at better margins
  • See less discounting to win business