Manual Handling

Manual Handling

Updated Jul 29, 2020

Course Overview

We can handle a lot but do we do it safely? Staying safe on the job is a smart move and something everyone should think about. In this 25 minute module you will learn how to stay safe when you are doing manual tasks in your job. This module incorporates audio and assessment. This module incorporates audio and a quiz.

Learning Objectives

After completing the module, you’ll be able to:

  • Describe the relevance and application of WHS legislation to workers performing manual tasks in their role;
  • Define manual tasks and identify activities that involve manual tasks in your workplace;
  • Discuss your and your employer’s responsibilities for ensuring that manual tasks are completed in a safe manner in the workplace;
  • Recognise the types of injury that can occur from incorrect performance of manual tasks;
  • Describe the risk management process in relation to manual tasks;
  • Identify manual task risk factors that can result in injury;
  • Implement control strategies by avoiding or re-engineering risky activities, and/or determining the best technique to use;
  • Follow safe procedures, follow appropriate reporting procedures and locate further information about specific procedures for manual tasks.