Social Media

Social Media

Savv-e Learning
Updated Jul 28, 2020

Course Overview
Are you social online? Well try this new social media platform where you will spend 20 minutes viewing, updating, posting and all the while learning how to avoid the dangers of social media use for you and your organisation. This interactive module incorporates a knowledge quiz.

Learning Objectives
After completing the module, you’ll be able to:

  • Make appropriate decisions about using social media at work and away from work;
  • Make appropriate decisions when posting on publicly visible social media sites;
  • Recognise when a post or profile is set to be viewed publicly;
  • Recognise when social media activity is damaging to an individual or organisation;
  • Use correct channels of communication when you have grievances or concerns;
  • Interpret the social media policy into workplace behaviours;
  • Use the social media policy to guide decisions;
  • Identify how to share information safely and responsibly via social media;
  • Demonstrate how to maintain a positive social profile and reputation.