Innovate and Create: Leveraging the Power of Generations

Innovate and Create: Leveraging the Power of Generations

Greg Stiever
Updated Sep 11, 2018

Click here to see the course preview.

The modern workplace is one of vast generational diversity. But you already know that. By this point, you’ve seen how millennials communicate, you’ve seen how a boomer likes to work. However, it’s likely you’ve been a bit concerned too. Is this generational diversity a problem?

Regardless of age, everyone in the workplace has something to learn and something to teach. So, yes, that means that a newly minted millennial employee can easily help a veteran baby boomer and vice versa.

Think of it this way: it’s an opportunity, not a problem.

This program, brought to you by Global Workforce Innovator Laura Goodrich, demonstrate how these generations can be brought together seamlessly for better coexistence and collaboration. With a wide variety of generations successfully working together, innovation and unbridled creativity is bound to follow.

Course Duration

30 Minutes


Laura is an internationally recognized expert in change and the future of work. She has spent over twenty years as an innovator, speaker, coach, and advisor.

Laura has authored, hosted and produced ten internationally distributed cinematic microlearning programs for business and industry, she has hosted three television shows and a national radio program. She and her business partner are pioneer producers of Cinematic Microlearning programs that leverage film-making methods, coaching and storytelling into a designed process that drives true change.

Leveraging extensive experience as an entrepreneurial technology leader and global workforce change expert she is always looking for an innovative way to challenge the status quo.