Leading Early Talent, Becoming a Next Generation Leader

Leading Early Talent, Becoming a Next Generation Leader

Greg Stiever
Updated Sep 10, 2018

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Leading Early Talent Descriptions

New talent keeps pouring in, change just keeps accelerating, and rival companies are trying to court your employees as soon as they’re hired. And to think, leaders need to somehow stay on top of it all. From a distance, it all seems impossible!

But take a closer look and you’ll see that this current era presents an incredible opportunity for leaders to create dynamic, vibrant teams that are built to win.

In this series, titled Leading Early Talent: Becoming a Next Generation Leader, 

Learn how leaders can better understand the dynamics of the workplace and the desires of the new generations. This series of programs will give leaders new skills and tools that will help them influence others at work. Global Workforce Innovator Laura Goodrich and CEO, Author, and Researcher Sarah Sladek will explore how leaders in the modern day workforce can act to attract, retain and inspire early talent, which is the foundation for teams that all generations are drawn to.  

Learning Objectives

  • Discover your effectiveness in key attributes as a leader.
  • Discover how you can focus on the outcomes you want.
  • Establish a process for embracing change.
  • Learn how to become a well-rounded leader
  • Learn how to determine your “I wants” for yourself and your team

Course Duration

20 Minutes


Sarah Sladek was leading the charge for organizations and companies to adapt to younger members and workers long before anybody else, launching one of the nation’s first and only generation-focused companies, XYZ University. Sarah is the author of five books including her latest, published by ASAE, “Talent Generation", which proves that it’s possible to create an organization designed to engage talent, and she provides audiences with the guidance to do it.

Sarah is an internationally sought-after speaker. Sarah Sladek’s work is not only pushing industries to take a risk, but embrace new leadership and talent. Her presentations express the importance of integrating new generations and audiences can feel the passion she has towards the topic.

Laura is an internationally recognized expert in change and the future of work. She has spent over twenty years as an innovator, speaker, coach, and advisor.

Laura has authored, hosted and produced ten internationally distributed cinematic microlearning programs for business and industry, she has hosted three television shows and a national radio program. She and her business partner are pioneer producers of Cinematic Microlearning programs that leverage film-making methods, coaching and storytelling into a designed process that drives true change.

Leveraging extensive experience as an entrepreneurial technology leader and global workforce change expert she is always looking for an innovative way to challenge the status quo.