How to Increase Resilience

How to Increase Resilience

Seven Dimensions
Updated Nov 12, 2019

Resilience is an essential skill in the workplace because without it, we suffer and stress far more. Kylie Bell describes it as “bouncing forward” from difficult or upsetting events. We can learn to process stress constructively and perform better because we learn to override our emergency brain and problem-solve instead. Resilience, she says, is linked to better health. Kylie counsels mindfulness and choosing to look at stressful situations as challenges, remembering past successes as we go, and taking time for self-care and rest.

Learning Objectives
• Identify why we need to develop resilience
• Outline how resilience is linked to better health
• Examine the research on telomeres and the importance of resilience
• Use strategies for building resilience
• Examine how leaders should encourage resilience
• Illustrate the benefits of resilience at work

Interviewer: Eve Ash
Interviewee: Kylie Bell