How Leaders Can Develop Self-Motivated People

How Leaders Can Develop Self-Motivated People

Seven Dimensions
Updated Apr 16, 2020

Kylie Bells says three ingredients (nutriments) improve people’s self-motivation: relationships, competency and autonomy. The astute leader takes time to cultivate each nutriment. This course is designed to help managers and team leaders understand what motivates their people and how to create a motivated team. The course is packed with useful strategies and insights.

Most leaders want super-engaged workers who don’t require constant supervision. For this to occur, Kylie Bell says, they need to ensure a good supply of three nutriments: relationships (knowing each builds trust), competency (giving feedback, goals and key performance indicators) and autonomy (allowing freedom, encouraging initiative). Positive relationships, clear goals, constructive feedback and the freedom to work on tasks helps people feel more connected to the purpose of the organization. Leaders can find out levels of engagement by doing pre-tests (before implementing the three nutriments) and post-tests.

This program is one of the Insights and Strategies Series, featuring psychologist Eve Ash interviewing a range of experts and business leaders who share their experiences and practical strategies for achieving best practice.

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