Female Genital Mutilation

Female Genital Mutilation

Me Learning
Updated Oct 17, 2018

Course Description

Female Genital Mutilation (FGM) is violence against female children and women, a serious public health hazard, and a human rights issue. It constitutes child abuse and causes physical, psychological and sexual harm, which can be severely disabling. Protecting children and mothers from FGM is everybody’s business. This informative course will increase your understanding of the issues surrounding Female Genital Mutilation (FGM). It will also help you handle situations appropriately where FGM has occurred or might occur.

In this course you will:

  • Know what FGM is and when and where is it performed
  • Know the facts and figures
  • Understand the laws that help to protect women and girls from FGM
  • Understand the socio-cultural context, including the perception of FGM as a religious obligation
  • Know what the impact of FGM is
  • Understand the attitudes towards FGM
  • Know how to identify an FGM victim or potential victim
  • Know how to help prevent and ultimately eliminate the practice
  • Know the principles to follow when FGM is suspected or has been performed
  • Know the roles of different professionals

Who is this course for?

The course aims to help anyone who works with children or has regular contact with children to recognise and respond to situations where abuse linked to Female Genital Mutilation has occurred or may occur.

For example, those who work in schools, healthcare, social care, faith organisations, community groups or the police.

Course Duration

120 minutes