Evidence-based practice for EAL pupils

Evidence-based practice for EAL pupils

SEND Group
Updated Jul 26, 2019

Course Overview

Based on her experience as a teacher and researcher in school and university contexts, Rosa’s webinar considers how teachers can use research to better support the literacy development of EAL pupils (children who learn English as an additional language). While there is great diversity within the EAL population with respect to linguistic and academic outcomes, children with EAL tend to lag behind native-speaking peers across the primary curriculum.

One of the possible explanations for this achievement gap is under-developed literacy skills in EAL pupils as some scholars have shown that EAL pupils are as much as two years behind monolingual peers on measures of reading comprehension.

Research has shown that vocabulary is a powerful contributor to literacy development, and children with EAL tend to have lower scores on standardised vocabulary measures compared to their monolingual peers.

In this webinar, Rosa will focus on the practical tips for teachers to expand the vocabulary ‘breath’ and ‘depth’ of their EAL pupils. Join Rosa in this webinar if you want to know the difference between vocabulary ‘breath’ and ‘depth’. Let’s help our EAL pupils to develop strong foundations in English!

Presented by Dr Rosa Kwok