Cyber Crime

Cyber Crime

Seven Dimensions
Updated Dec 30, 2019

Protect company IT, passwords and systems by investing in strong IT security. 

Course Overview 

Thanks to technology, more and more information is available to everyone – and cyber criminals! Colin McLaren advises researching the best methods of protecting company IT, passwords and system, and investing in top IT consultants to devise special protections. Be prepared to devote 3 – 4% of company gross profit on cyber security – it’s worth it. 

Key Learning Points 

In today’s information economy, cyber crime is a major problem:  

  • All the more so because perpetrators are invisible 

  • The damage can be widescale and permanent 

  • Strong IT security is the only defense 

  • Research and invest in knowledgeable, experienced consultants 

Interviewer: Eve Ash 

Interviewee: Colin McLaren