Active Armed Offender Management Training

Active Armed Offender Management Training

Risk 2 Solution
Updated Oct 05, 2020


This AAOMT program is an intensive, condensed training session based on a proven approach, industry expert experience and leading academic research. It provides an introduction to the key skills and underpinning knowledge required to recognise, avoid, manage, and react correctly under the extreme duress of an active armed offender incident.

Goal & Objective

This short, intensive and informative Active Armed Offender Response & Management program is designed to equip you with the knowledge to identify and respond to the threat and assist you in motivating an attitude of survival if you are ever involved in these threatening situations.

The following topics will be covered:

- Overview of Active Armed Offender threat

- Introduction to Modus operandi of Active Armed Offenders

- Active armed offender response (Escape, Hide, Tell modelling)

- Introduction Physical & Psychological effects

- Overview of Preventative & proactive measures

- Introduction to practical survival and management techniques

- Reactive measures and aftermath including working with authorities and after incident management and recovery

- Communication considerations