Aggressive Behaviour Management

Aggressive Behaviour Management

Risk 2 Solution
Updated Sep 26, 2020


Aggressive Behaviour Management is your guide to situational awareness and managing your own safety in aggressive behaviour or aggravated situations. It is designed to teach the skills required to get the best possible outcomes in challenging situations for all role players (you, the antagonist, the public, etc).


This program will focus on building awareness, learning to assess your environment, formulating a strategy and being able to use it to minimise and de-escalate an aggressive situation. The main take out after completing this program is how to remain safe when being confronted by aggressive people.


We have ensured that our approach is aligned to the market and an understanding of issues that may be front of mind such as verbal de-escalation and the challenges of authority representation.


After completion, users will have a good understanding of the importance of developing situational awareness, the ability to make an assessment and act on it to manage, avoid or de-escalate an aggressive situation.

Subject Matter Experts

Our unique program was built by highly experienced personal safety specialists and has been enhanced by on the on-ground experience of our amazing team of people which includes 2 Behavioural Scientists and a conventional Psychologist.

The following topics will be covered:

- Internal management of the locus of control

- What situational awareness is, why it's important and how to build awareness

- Learning how to assess your environment

- De-escalation skills and techniques

- What actions to take or how to avoid or minimise aggressive situations

- Dealing with the aftermath of an aggressive situation including dealing with the authorities