Course Introduction
The sales process is an art form that is used by successful sales individuals around the globe. It is based on creating value and developing a successful relationship with customers that rests on mutual trust, knowledge, and respect.
The three mentors for this online course, Jim Cathcart, Joe Ilvento and John Kauffman, provide their expertise on the following topics: how sales people can stand out from their competitors who may selling the same product; different ways in which individuals can improve their professional equity levels; why salespeople jump to cutting prices as a first line of doing business; strategies that sales people can use to be successful that go way beyond cutting prices or exaggerating the value of product; importance of salespeople to be prepared with a series of questions for their customers that get to the heart of their customer’s needs; importance of providing excellent customer service as a way to retain customers and differentiate one’s company from competitors; tips for salespeople on how to close a sale; importance of listening to customers for hints they are ready to purchase the service or product; most important types of behavior for a successful relationship with one’s customers; and different strategies that can be used to exceed customer expectations through adding value and living up to being a trusted partner with one’s customers.
Who Should Attend
Course Methodology
This self-paced e-learning course is based on interviews with Joe ilvento, John Kauffman and Jim Cathcart.
Learning Objectives
Course Modules