Ultimate Guide to Delegation

Ultimate Guide to Delegation

Keith Tatley,Manager Foundation
Updated Nov 03, 2017

Not Enough Hours in the Day? Stop Trying to do Everything Yourself

  • Overflowing inbox? Wish your employees would do more?

  • Get stuff done while growing your employees with Effective Delegation.

  • Get your time back AND improve your earnings

Do you feel stressed and overloaded with work? Do you wish your employees could and would do more? Successful bosses aren't the hardest working bosses. Successful bosses are bosses who know how to delegate effectively "to get stuff done".

Some people say "If you want something done right, do it yourself." But this is just a management myth because effective managers know how to motivate their employees to do a better job than they could do on their own.

If you feel like a superhero carrying the world on your shoulders then it's time to give yourself the help and support that you need to manage your workload by learning the art and science of Effective Delegation.

  • Did you know that tasks that are routine boredom for you can be exciting development opportunities for one of your employees?
  • Did you know that your employees have unutilised skills and abilities?

Effective delegation is a way to manage your own workload while growing your employees skills and abilities at the same time. 

When you do Delegation right, your employees love it too because they are learning and growing.

Delegation in Management - a Powerful Management Skill

Delegation in management is a powerful task management tool. Because successful delegation is how managers manage their workload by engaging the skills and dedication of their employees to produce work. But Effective delegation is more than that because it's also like a mini promotion. Successful delegation engages employees and motivates staff. This increases employee performance. But when delegation in management is done badly it becomes yet another task that an under-performing employee doesn't want to do. This short course includes a free manager delegation worksheet.

Using a delegation tool is the best method to ensure successful delegation. I’ve spent years researching, developing and testing the best of the best so that you don’t have to. I share this and many more proven management techniques with you in the free www.boss.camp program.

This Course Will Provide You With Proven, Easy-to-Implement and Practical Action Steps For:

  • Identifying what to delegate,
  • How to make the delegation - right down to the right words to use,
  • Delegation mistakes to avoid and,
  • How to avoid reverse delegation.