The Anatomy of Care: Patient Satisfaction, Customer Service in Healthcare

The Anatomy of Care: Patient Satisfaction, Customer Service in Healthcare

David Versaw
Updated Oct 14, 2020

Winner of the Best Healthcare Training Program of the Year by the Davey Awards; finalist for Best Health and Medical Education Solution award by the SIIA CODiE and Best Accredited Medical Education Program award by the Global Awards. Designed to improve HCAHPS scores, The Anatomy of Care is a video-based simulation that provides healthcare professionals with an opportunity to explore and understand the impact of their actions and attitudes on patient care and the perception of patient care. In The Anatomy of Care, users assume the roles of five playable hospital employees in an interactive movie. They make the decisions for these characters and experience the consequences of their choices in a real-world healthcare setting. Their individual choices and teamwork decisions have a direct impact on customer service, patient outcomes and their healthcare facility.

Based on a proven effective experiential learning methodology, this unique, interactive simulation increases teamwork among healthcare professionals, raises personal responsibility, and ultimately improves quality of care and patient outcomes. In a healthcare facility, even one bad encounter can leave a patient or family member with a negative impression of their entire experience and the medical care they received. The care, and perception of care, that customers receive have very real consequences for the financial success of the institution and quality of life for employees.