Supporting Others - Interactive

Supporting Others - Interactive

Seven Dimensions,Chef Siu
Updated May 01, 2020

Being supportive is an essential skill for teams. It takes very little effort to show support. This interactive course is designed to help team leaders and team members build a supportive and caring team by showing care and support to those around you.

In a Cutting Edge team meeting, Marcus asks what it means to be supportive and people offer definitions. Marcus creates an award for the most supportive employee of the month and challenges the team to be supportive, saying everyone will be judged on how supportive they are. People offer various forms of support and the outcome results in more winners and losers than expected. Marcus feels everyone is a winner.

Tammy discusses with Steve her difficulties in dealing with Sanjay and he tells her a good way of looking at fear. Marcus gives out awards and Tammy is invited to say who she felt was the most supportive. Marcus feels everyone is a winner, but Sam is disappointed after all the English language coaching support he gave Tammy and Carlos.

Key Learning Points

  • Don’t ignore someone who needs help INSTEAD: Be someone who offers help 
  • Don’t focus only on your needs INSTEAD: Make others feel special
  • Don’t be selfish with your skills INSTEAD: Coach others to be independent
  • Don’t expect rewards INSTEAD: Show humility and enjoy giving

Target Audience

Team leaders, team members and managers

Comedy makes learning fun

This interactive course is part of the popular Cutting Edge Communication Comedy Series created by Psychologist Eve Ash and comedienne Erin Brown starring Emmy-award winning Kim Estes. This powerful training series follows several characters as they battle challenges, negotiate conflicts and learn from mistakes about professionalism, leadership, communication and safety. This Australian produced series was filmed on location in Los Angeles.