SSRS 2012 (Part 5 of 10): Layout, Parameters, and Visualizing

SSRS 2012 (Part 5 of 10): Layout, Parameters, and Visualizing

Biz Library
Updated Feb 04, 2020

In this course, you’ll learn about these aspects of report design so that your reports have an effective layout and online versions provide a level of interactivity that will make reports more useful for users. One of the key ways to add this kind of functionality is by creating dynamic reports with parameters. This way, you can very flexible reports, customized for what the user needs or something in the environment. Then we’ll cover Groups. Groups are a great way to organize data in a report into a more manageable assemblage of information. If you need to create subtotals or other statistics you will likely need to create groups.

Lesson 1:

  • Consider Layout Options
  • Report Rendering & Pagination
  • Page Structure Properties
  • Report Page Structure
  • Demo: Report Pagination
  • Demo: Page Layout.

Lesson 2:

  • Demo: Header and Footer
  • Demo: Header/Footer Formatting.

Lesson 3:

  • Report Formatting Options
  • Demo: Report Formatting
  • Demo: Properties Window
  • Demo: More Properties.

Lesson 4:

  • Interactive Sorting
  • Demo: Interactive Sorting
  • Demo: Sorting by Groups
  • Drilldown Reports
  • Demo: Drilldown Report
  • Demo: Drilldown Properties.

Lesson 5:

  • Creating Report Parameters
  • Demo: Procedure Parameters
  • Demo: Create Report Parameter
  • Demo: Report Parameters
  • Demo: Preview Report .

Lesson 6:

  • Demo: Ad-Hoc Parameters
  • Demo: Including Parameters
  • Using Unbound Parameters
  • Demo: Unbound Parameters.

Lesson 7:

  • Demo: Parameter Properties
  • Demo: Dataset Parameter.

Lesson 8:

  • Providing a Dropdown List
  • Demo: Dropdown Values
  • Demo: Dropdown List
  • Parameter Value and Label.

Lesson 9:

  • Demo: Cascading SQL
  • Demo: Cascading Parameters.

Lesson 10:

  • Demo: Multivalued Parameter
  • Demo: Setting Up Multivalue.

Lesson 11:

  • Demo: Charts
  • Demo: Choosing Data Source.

Lesson 12:

  • Formatting a Chart
  • Demo: Chart Parts
  • Demo: Chart Formatting.

Lesson 13:

  • Data Bars, Sparklines, Indicators
  • Data Bars
  • Demo: Data Bar.

Lesson 14:

  • Demo: Sparklines
  • Demo: Fixing Sparklines.

Lesson 15:

  • Demo: Indicators
  • Demo: Gauge Data.

Lesson 16:

  • Map and Spatial Data
  • Demo: Spatial Data
  • Demo: Map Formatting.