SSRS 2014, Part 03 of 10: Tablix Report Type

SSRS 2014, Part 03 of 10: Tablix Report Type

Biz Library
Updated Feb 04, 2020

In this course you’ll get a high-level view of the parts and pieces of Reporting Services so that you know what you’re working with. I’ll start by looking at the two modes you can install and operate a report server in. Then I’ll show you some of the extensive configuration options you can use to fine tune reporting features. Reporting Services has a fairly complex architecture, and I’ll walk you through a high-level view of it. There are a lot of parts and you need to have a good feel for how they all work. Then I’ll take a look at the tools available for building reports, and will walk through creating a simple report using Report Designer. Next you’ll get a solid introduction to Report Builder, and learn how to install either the standalone version or the ClickOnce version accessible from Report Manager. I’ll walk you through a tour of the Report Builder user interface. Then I’ll show you how to build a simple report, point out more of Report Builder’s features and learn about preview performance. Finally, you’ll learn about shared datasets as a way to make data access easier for end users.

Lesson 1:

  • Exploring the Tablix Report
  • The Tablix Component
  • Table Data Region
  • Demo: Table
  • Demo: TableDemo
  • Demo: Table Data
  • Matrix Data Region
  • Demo: Matrix
  • Demo: MatrixDemo
  • Demo: Grouping
  • List Data Region
  • Demo: List
  • Demo: ListDemo.

Lesson 2:

  • Cell Content
  • Cell Scope
  • Demo: Cells.

Lesson 3:

  • Demo: Creating a Project
  • Demo: Connection String.

Lesson 4:

  • Demo: Create a Tabular Report
  • Demo: Grouping
  • Demo: Totals
  • Demo: Report Formatting.

Lesson 5:

  • Demo: Matrix Report
  • Demo: Matrix Preview
  • Demo: Totals
  • Demo: Matrix Formatting.

Lesson 6:

  • Demo: List Report
  • Demo: Columns
  • Demo: More Rows
  • Demo: Formatting.

Lesson 7:

  • Tablix Properties Dialog Box
  • Demo: Tablix Properties
  • No Data Rows
  • Demo: No Data Rows
  • Groups Before Row Headers
  • Synchronized Data Alignment
  • Demo: Misaligned Data
  • Demo: Align Data.