Specific Learning Difficulties Tips for Teachers of Students with Dyslexia and Dyspraxia

Specific Learning Difficulties Tips for Teachers of Students with Dyslexia and Dyspraxia

SEND Group
Updated Jul 26, 2019

Course Overview

This webinar will look at Specific Learning Difficulties Tips for Teachers of Students with Dyslexia and Dyspraxia. Estimates suggest that in every class of 30 students there will be one or two students who have a Specific Learning Difficulty.

This webinar will introduce what Specific Learning Difficulties are and explore how students with these conditions think differently and provide interesting, but not insurmountable, challenges and rewards for their teachers.

The general co-existence of Specific Learning Difficulties will be touched on but the webinar will concentrate on dyslexia, dyspraxia, dysgraphia and briefly dyscalculia. How we learn and the influence of the left and right brain will be discussed.

The strengths of students with Specific Learning Difficulties ‘outside the box thinkers’ will be looked at and the difficulties that they face in the classroom and with conventional teaching methods. Practical small adaptations to teacher presentation, style, resources, seating, equipment and use of technology will be covered and the importance of a multisensory approach to learning.

The webinar is an upbeat and optimistic and advocates that supportive and sympathetic teachers can make a huge difference to the lives and success of these students who think differently.

Presented by Diana Hudson