Sales Skills - Communicating With The Customer

Sales Skills - Communicating With The Customer

Jenison ELearning
Updated Nov 08, 2018

Course Description

Communication is the key to a sale; this course teaches the learner the different types of communication and how to use them to their advantage. 

At the end of this course the learner will be able to apply your understanding of communication and active listening to build productive, long-term business relationships.

Learning Objectives

  • Understanding different types of written communication, and the language that works best
  • Realising your responsibility as a communicator 
  • Improving your questioning technique
  • Using summaries and repetition to show you understand
  • Using networking to establish long-term customers 
  • Using the Internet for networking

Course Contents

  • Types of Communication
  • Barriers to Communication
  • Questioning
  • Active Listening
  • Networking
  • Including: Check my Understanding Tests and Full Course Test
  • Sales Presentations and Demonstrations  

Course Duration

90-120 minutes