Phone Skills - The Irate Caller

Phone Skills - The Irate Caller

Channel 1 Creative Media
Updated Feb 28, 2019

Course Overview 

Complaining, emotion-charged callers are an unfortunate, yet sometimes inevitable aspect of customer service in any organisation. They can take you by surprise, and if not handled appropriately, the implications can be severe. This training module provides viewers with several practical suggestions on how to effectively manage that irate caller.

Learning Objectives 

In this training program, viewers will learn the importance of:

  • Listening carefully without interrupting
  • Taking good notes
  • Remaining calm
  • Getting to the real problem

Target Audience 

Target audience is everyone answering telephone calls in your business.

Business Outcomes  

Turning an irate caller into a happy customer takes great skill.  This video sets out some easy to follow steps to do just that!


 5 Minutes