Pathways - Leadership Skills - Accentuate the positive

Pathways - Leadership Skills - Accentuate the positive

In order to be an effective leader, you must first be aware of your strengths and positive attributes. This course teaches you a range of practical tools and exercises you can use to identify what you are best at, and then focuses on strategies you can use to maximise the impact of these skills. You will also learn how to deal with the stress that often comes from taking on the responsibilities of a leader.

Jenison ELearning
Updated Nov 08, 2018

Course Description

This course introduces a range of practical tools and exercises that learners can use to recognise and maximise what they are good at and what they enjoy most. It also covers exercises for positive thinking and tips for relaxation.

Course Contents

  • Identify and develop your strengths
  • Start using positive thinking exercises, including visualisation
  • Identify what you enjoy
  • Understand that taking more responsibility doesn’t need to cause stress


  • Enjoy your strengths
  • Stress strategies
  • Habits for success
  • Follow up

Course Duration

30 minutes