Outdoor Worker Safety - Risk Assessment and Hazard Control

Outdoor Worker Safety - Risk Assessment and Hazard Control

Channel 1 Creative Media
Updated Feb 26, 2019

Course Overview 

A successful hazard management program involves hazard identification, assessment of the risks and the implementation of control measures.

Learning Objectives 

In this video, viewers will learn;

  • The Hierarchy of Controls;
  • Safe Work Method Statement or SWMS
  • How to complete a SWMS
  • The importance of monitoring and evaluation

Target Audience 

Target Audience is all new inductees and existing outdoor workers.

Business Outcomes  

It’s a well recognised fact that consultation is by far the best means of approaching health and safety issues at work. To have an alert workforce constantly on the lookout for hazards and having a refined reporting system ensures management can make more informed and better quality WHS decisions whilst your workers will have “buy in”.


3 Minutes