Outdoor Worker Safety - Personal Proective Equipment

Outdoor Worker Safety - Personal Proective Equipment

Channel 1 Creative Media
Updated Aug 30, 2019

Course Overview

Personal Protective Equipment is necessary in many working environments to protect us from numerous occupational hazards.

It is important to note that although suitable PPE might be worn, it doesn’t eliminate the hazard.

This self paced training program takes a look at the various types of PPE, the importance of keeping it properly maintained & when it should be worn.

Learning Objectives

By completing this eLearning program, you will learn:

  • Fitting of PPE
  • When PPE should be worn
  • What are items of PPE
  • Correct selection of PPE

From a health and safety perspective, supplying the PPE to your workforce is just one half of the process, making sure it is properly fitted, maintained & worn when it should be is the other half.