Outdoor Worker Safety - Fatigue Management

Outdoor Worker Safety - Fatigue Management

Channel 1 Creative Media
Updated Aug 30, 2019

Course Overview

Fatigue and insufficient sleep can put health at risk in many ways. Not only can it impact on the immune system, it can cause a loss of alertness, which in turn will affect judgment, reactions, skill levels and safety. In fact, many safety incidents in the workplace are directly attributed to fatigue.

Learning Objectives

By completing this eLearning program, you will learn:

  • Factors that can cause fatigue
  • Warning signs of fatigue
  • A heightened awareness of the body clock and rest breaks

The benefits of having a workforce who are able to recognise fatigue and take steps to prevent it are immeasurable and provide for a healthier and safer workplace.

Although very much an outdoor worker presentation, this video based eLearning program should be shown to your entire workforce.

Target Audience
