Office 2010 - Outlook Beginners - Screen Components

Office 2010 - Outlook Beginners - Screen Components

Jenison ELearning
Updated Nov 07, 2018

Learning Objectives

  • Identify the Title Bar 
  • Customise the Ribbon
  • Distinguish the Status Bar
  • Use the Navigation Pane
  • Identify the Viewing Area
  • Hideand show the Reading Pane

Course Overview

  • The Title Bar is across the top of the Outlook window and displays the name of the currently open folder.
  • The Ribbon has replaced the old menus, now the most frequently used commands are held on the Home tab for your convenience.
  • Customize the Ribbon by right-clicking on a tab and choosing Customize the Ribbon from the shortcut menu. When the Outlook Options - Customize Ribbon pane is displayed you can choose which commands to include or exclude.
  • The Status Bar displays information about the currently active folder.
  • The Navigation Pane is on the left of the Outlook window and offers shortcuts to any of your Outlook folders.
  • The Reading Pane can be moved or switched on or off using the Reading Pane command in the Layout group on the View tab.