Office 2010 - Excel Intermediate - Relative and Absolute References

Office 2010 - Excel Intermediate - Relative and Absolute References

Jenison ELearning
Updated Nov 07, 2018

Learning Objectives

  • Use Relative References
  • Use Absolute References
  • Create Absolute References 
  • Apply an Absolute Reference 
  • Copy Reference Formulas

Course Overview

  • There are two main references used within Excel formulas, which are Relative and Absolute.
  • Excel uses relative references as the default cell reference. When a formula is copied or moved to another location, this type of cell reference changes.
  • Absolute references refer to a cell in a specific location. Its reference does not change if the formula is copied to another cell. You apply an absolute address to a formula using the F4 key. A dollar sign ($) signifies that an address is absolute.