Office 2010 - Excel Beginners - Screen Components

Office 2010 - Excel Beginners - Screen Components

Jenison ELearning
Updated Nov 07, 2018

Learning Objectives

  • Navigate the Ribbon
  • Use the Quick Access Toolbar
  • Change to Full Screen view 
  • Use Tool Tips and Shortcuts 
  • Use Page Layout 
  • Understand workbook layout 
  • Understand worksheet layout 
  • Hide and restore the Taskbar 
  • Understand Excel pointers

Course Overview

  • The Ribbon presents commands in groups in tabs for easy access.
  • Modify the Quick Access toolbar to display your most frequently used commands.
  • Learn to alter the view or layout for more successful editing.
  • Use and understand the keyboard shortcuts and Tool Tips for faster working.
  • Make the most of the information on the Status bar and the Taskbar.
  • Recognise and appreciate the different Mouse pointers.