Microsoft Teams (EN-US)

Microsoft Teams (EN-US)

Teaches you the basic operation of Microsoft Teams for meetings, chats or collaborative document editing.

Constanze Berschuck
Updated Nov 24, 2020

Microsoft Teams is the new platform for exchanging all kinds of information between employees. The learning program teaches the basics of operation. You learn how to create a team, add members and exchange information with them. After completing the course, you will be able to upload documents and edit them together with other team members. You are familiar with creating
apps and files as tabs and using the search and filter functions.

In three sections the following content is covered in individual learning modules:

Getting started

  • Discover Teams
  • Create a Team
  • Learn More about Teams

Work with Teams

  • Change Notification Settings
  • Manage your Team
  • Schedule a Meeting

Chat, Documents and Services

  • Send Messages and Upload Documents in a Channel
  • Chat Functions in Teams
  • Making Calls in Teams
  • Share and Edit Documents
  • Add Apps and Files as Tabs
  • Search, Filter and Commands