Mental Health & Wellbeing - Managing Wellbeing

Mental Health & Wellbeing - Managing Wellbeing

Channel 1 Creative Media
Updated Jun 22, 2020

Course Overview

This training program takes a detailed look at a supportive and approachable manager who constantly demonstrates and communicates his and the organisation’s commitment to a mentally healthy work environment. In addition, it also examines the importance of his team effectively identifying and helping to manage psychosocial hazards in the workplace.

Course consists of 4 minutes of video content combined with
assessment questions and interactivity.

Learning Objectives

By completing this video eLearning course , your managers will learn about:

  • A person's basic human needs
  • The significant role the workplace plays in managing a persons holistic wellbeing
  • The importance of diversity

Target Audience

Managers and supervisors in any organisation.


10 to 15 mins