Med safe: Principles of medication safety

Med safe: Principles of medication safety

Health Staff Ed
Updated Apr 06, 2021

Interventions to improve medication safety reduce the risk of harm to patients and improve quality in healthcare. This 1.5 hour module, the first in a series, provides the foundations for safe practice in medication management. It is based on the standards set by the Australian National Safety and Quality Health Service (NSQHS) (Standard Four: Medication Safety).

Target Audience

Nurses and midwives

Business Outcomes

Medication safety is a nursing and midwifery foundation skill. Nurses and midwives are required to refresh their knowledge on medication safety at least annually. This module meets the requirements for refreshing medication safety knowledge. It is consistent with the current guidelines and recommendations of the Australian National Safety and Quality Health Service.

This course is directly related to the Australian National Safety and Quality Health Service (NSQHS) Standards as part of Standard Four: Medication safety.