Managing difficult customers...every business has them.

Managing difficult customers...every business has them.

The Skills Shack
Updated Oct 22, 2019

Every business has customers and every business, at some stage, has a difficult customer. No matter how good your and your staff's customer service is, problems will arise, and demanding customers will present to your business.

Difficult customers are not merely customers who complain; they can range from those that

  • take up a large portion of your staffs time deciding and comparing
  • complain about everything from the air-conditioning temperature to the glare from the lights to the noise from the street
  • have a limited understanding of English
  • are not purchasing and just looking.

We also have those customers who

  • are hostile and angry
  • just want to argue about every aspect of your business including your staff, products and services
  • think that verbally or worse physically abusing and intimidating your staff is the way to resolve an issue

Target Audience

Every business that has customers.

Learning Objectives

The video has been developed as an introduction to some of the common difficult customer characteristics. Our emphasis throughout the video is on the importance of developing strategies for managing customers and of these staying calm and respectful is perhaps the most important.

Business Outcomes

Difficult customers can be managed and with effort converted into happier customers.