Management and HR Management

Management and HR Management

Management is about getting the best out of the people working in an organization. This course explores the relationship a manager has with their employees as well as teaching how to make the best decisions in order to improve workplace productivity in the long run.

365 Careers
Updated Jul 31, 2019

Course Overview

Management is about getting the best out of the people working in an organization. So the main goal of this course would be to explore the relationship a manager has with their employees as well as study how to make the best decisions in order to improve workplace productivity in the long run.

Target Audience

  • Business executives

  • Business analysts

  • Aspiring entrepreneurs

  • Business owners

Learning Objectives

  • What makes for a great manager

  • The responsibilities of a manager

  • How to manage operations

  • How to manage supply chain

  • Managing productivity

  • How to set SMART objectives

  • Setting Financial vs. Strategic vs. Operational Objectives

  • Forecasting and budgeting

  • Break-even analysis

  • HR Planning

  • Recruitment and Selection

  • How to motivate your team and employees

  • Stress management

  • How to nourish teams instead of groups

  • How to organize compensations and benefits

Business Outcomes

Improve management skills