Deep learning with Tensor Flow

Deep learning with Tensor Flow

365 Careers
Updated Aug 23, 2019

Course Overview

Data scientists, machine learning engineers, and AI researchers all have their own skillsets. But what is that one special thing they have in common? They are all masters of deep learning. We often hear about AI, or self-driving cars, or the ‘algorithmic magic’ at Google, Facebook, and Amazon. But it is not magic - it is deep learning. And more specifically, it is usually deep neural networks – the one algorithm to rule them all.

Target Audience

  • Aspiring data scientists.
  • People interested in Machine Learning, Deep Learning, Business, and Artificial Intelligence,
  • Anyone who wants to learn how to code and build machine and deep learning algorithms from scratch.

Learning Objectives

  • Gain a Strong Understanding of TensorFlow - Google’s Cutting-Edge Deep Learning Framework
  • Build Deep Learning Algorithms from Scratch in Python Using NumPy and TensorFlow
  • Set Yourself Apart with Hands-on Deep and Machine Learning Experience
  • Grasp the Mathematics Behind Deep Learning Algorithms
  • Understand Backpropagation, Stochastic Gradient Descent, Batching, Momentum, and Learning Rate Schedules
  • Know the Ins and Outs of Underfitting, Overfitting, Training, Validation, Testing, Early Stopping, and Initialization
  • Competently Carry Out Pre-Processing, Standardization, Normalization, and One-Hot Encoding.

Business Outcomes
Enable people to leverage the power of deep learning .