Listening Mistakes Sales People Make

Listening Mistakes Sales People Make

Skillshub Ltd
Updated Apr 27, 2021

You know what you sell inside and out, therefore you're confident you can provide the right solution for your prospects. Its easy to get carried away jumping the gun and offering a solution to your prospect which they don't want, this is a mistake many sales people make.

The Skillshub "Listening Mistakes Sales People Make" course discusses 3 important listening mistakes sales people make, including knowing the answers to the question and formulating a response before the prospect has stopped talking.

Once the course has been completed you will understand the importance of listening and eye contact can have on completing a successful sales interaction.

The Skillshub Rapid Recall Microlearning Series is made up of a Video, Action Planning, Cheat Sheet, Coaching Blueprint and Session Notes to allow you to take action back in the workplace. The session also requires you to pass a quick-fire quiz with a maximum of three multiple choice questions.