Learning And The Fourth Industrial Revolution

Learning And The Fourth Industrial Revolution

Sarder Learning
Updated Aug 21, 2019

Course Introduction

Smarter machines are beginning to replace or redefine the way work is done and problems are approached almost in every industry. The Fourth Industrial Revolution as it is widely called now is a result of new advancements made in technologies at an exponential pace. Reports estimate that 47% of US jobs are at risk from automation. Learning is no longer restricted to formal education received in school and colleges, it has become a regular need in terms of upskilling oneself due to new skill sets required to carry out the jobs today and in the future.The course talks about the digital transformation that is taking place and the changes that have occurring in the learning and development strategies.

Some of the topics covered in the course include: Digital Transformation Adoption; Current Business Trends; Catering to Millenials Training Needs; Learning Approach; Shift in Learning Strategy; Digital Architecture.

Who Should Attend

  • CLO
  • CXO
  • Learning And Development Professionals
  • HR Directors
  • Training Managers
  • IT Business Leaders
  • E-Learning Professionals

Course Methodology

This course is based on a session by Chris Roy, Senior Director of WW Learning Go To Markets, Microsoft, from the CLO Insight Summit by Sarder TV and Future Workplace 2017.

Learning Objectives

  • Understand the concept of digital transformation in the industry
  • Explain the business trends
  • Understand the "tipping point" for driving learning
  • Define the learning approach
  • Understand the shift in learning strategy

Course Modules

  • New Learning Trends
  • Changing Learning Strategies