Leadership Essentials Pathway

Leadership Essentials Pathway

Learning Planet,Learning Planet
Updated Aug 27, 2020

This leadership essentials course is divided into
12 equal parts covering 11 topics (coaching is in two parts). Each segment is provided as a 10-minute video and a workbook with three sections in each video guiding you to pause and answer questions that apply to you in your role. You will have the opportunity to relate and play the topics to your role and what you want to achieve.

Topics for this course include:

Being a new leader,Influencing Skills, Coaching for change parts 1 and 2, Giving instructions, Being assertive, Handling conflict, Difficult conversations, Time management, Emotional intelligence and Dealing with change.

Each topic includes a workbook that will help you apply the principles in your role and provide an action plan that you can work towards for each area.

Please watch the videos all the way through in order to answerthe questions in the workbook.