Innovation ​Mindsets,​ ​Processes,​ ​Tools, and​ ​Culture

Innovation ​Mindsets,​ ​Processes,​ ​Tools, and​ ​Culture

Creative Live
Updated Mar 15, 2019

As a leader, your organization looks to you to promote and implement innovative practices that will help your business grow and prosper. But first you’ll have to deal with the cultural obstacles and ingrained mindsets that impede progress.

This course offers a primer on innovation and an introduction to design thinking. You’ll learn the leadership skills that are necessary in the conceptual age, including creativity, engagement, risk tolerance and collaboration. And you’ll be introduced to the two essential mindsets that are core to successful innovation: creative visionaries and operators. By the end, you’ll have a brand new set of tools that you can use to ensure innovation flourishes in your organization.

In this class, you’ll learn how to

  • Identify the key aspects of the design thinking process: accept, empathize, define, ideate, prototype and test
  • Ensure you’re solving the right problem
  • Use innovation definition and innovation portfolio to gauge your progress.
  • Examine the changing economic paradigms that have made ideas the currency of the future.