Innovation : How to validate your idea and enter the market

Innovation : How to validate your idea and enter the market

Updated Mar 26, 2021

Learn how to identify a problem, find your market, and build a business strategy. Innovation is about more than ideas, in fact, it's about solving problems. Innovation isn't the same as invention–there's a commecial aspect that drives innovation. We'll show you how to discover what your customers want, identify the risks you might face, and strategies to address them. This course will give you the foundation tools that you need to be successful.

Part 1: What is Innovation?
- Creative Destruction
- Innovator's Dilemma
- Degrees of Innovation
- Uber Case Study

Part 2: Validation
- Interrogating Your Idea
- Customer Expectations
- Product/Market Fit
- Avoid Biases
- Design Thinking, Lean Startup & Agile
- User Research
- Children's MRI Case Study

Part 3: Tools and Strategy
- Technology Adoption Life Cycle
- Quibi Case Study
- Business Model Canvas