How To Successfully Lead Your Team Through Change

How To Successfully Lead Your Team Through Change

Focus Learning
Updated Nov 05, 2020

Change can be one of the biggest downfalls to reaching business goals and achieving success. The research varies, but on
average, 70% of change initiatives fail. Why? One of the biggest factorsis that leaders themselves aren’t prepared for the changes and don’t have practical skills needed to lead their team through change.Forget about all the theories around change for a second, the one thing that’s the key to success is YOU. For change to
succeed, you, as the team leader, need to drive belief in the change, and employee buy-in and commitment to enact it.

We’ll show you how to prepare yourself to be a strong leader who recognizes the process of change and successfully
transitions so that can lead your team through the process.

What you’ll learn:

● Establish a realistic plan for managing yourself through change and leading your team through the change process.

● Determine what your communication strategy is to keep everyone informed throughout, and reduce the fear factor associated with change.

● Identify the potential pitfalls and know who your stakeholders are – which ones are assisters and who are the resisters?

● Create a positive mood and culture within the team to keep expectationsrealistic and aligned with what is required by the change process.

● Be prepared for the inevitable - speedbumps. Change processes don’t always go as planned and you’ll need to have tactics up your sleep to think on your feet for alternate solutions.