How To Set Your Career Compass for 2019

How To Set Your Career Compass for 2019

Gardeners Not Mechanics
Updated Apr 18, 2019

Course Overview

If you want to change jobs or career then you need to ensure that you are going towards something you DO want and not away from something you DON'T want.

Perhaps you feel stuck in a rut and want to grow and learn but you are worried about leaving the security of where you are now for something unknown that may not work out?

Perhaps you just have a  niggling sense of dissatisfaction with your current role and your prospects? But you just don’t know what you really want  to do with your career?  

Or perhaps you feel that you are at a career crossroads but are afraid of going in the wrong direction?

If any of those applies to you then this short course will show you how to set your career compass and ensure you are going in the right direction.

There are 3 exercises, with explanatory videos and associated templates for you to download:

  1. The daily journal 
  2. Career anchors
  3. The wheel of life

You may have come across some of these before but i I have adapted them to reflect the latest Behavioural Science and Happiness research. Wouldn't it be great to have a job in which you are genuinely happy and that you are proud of?

The second two exercises are best done quickly but will cause you to reflect deeply on what you really want and how to find balance between different aspects of your work and your life as a whole.

The first exercise, the daily journal is best done over at least two weeks and preferably a month. It might sound onerous but I have created a template you can download, that allows you record the keys elements of each day in just a couple of minutes, so don't be put off.

The journal is important because your memory is fallible, so you will remember high points and low points. Stand out moments. But mist of your time at work isn't one of those, so it's really important to track your experience as closely as possible to when it occurs.

So the course is short but be prepared to have to think very hard but you will be rewarded with a career compass that will help you to navigate not to your next job but for your whole career.

Who this course is for:

You will find this useful if you want to find a job but your not sure what you want to do?

Learning Objectives

Find out what you REALLY want from your next job...and career