Get Started With Creating Business Value With Artificial Intelligence: An Initiation For Managers And Innovators

Get Started With Creating Business Value With Artificial Intelligence: An Initiation For Managers And Innovators

Paolo Messina
Updated Aug 02, 2019

Course Overview

Have you been thinking to start leveraging Machine Learning or Artificial Intelligence (A.I.) into your business? Have you found that it is difficult to discern if A.I. will return tangible business value?  Also, are you struggling to sort options, such as doing it or not, doing it but leveraging external vendors?

We have a Free resource that more than 1000 managers, intraprenuers, entrepreneurs and professional service providers have used determine whether to start incorporating A.I. in their projects and how to go about it:

  1. Is A.I. the correct or appropriate solution for the business opportunity identified? (or that you are exploring)
  2. If A.I. is the right vehicle how you go about it?
  3. What resources and infrastructures you need to go about it?
  4. How do I make a realistic assessment of the return on investment?

If this is a problem you need to solve in the near future or simply a domain in which you want to acquire insights (so to be ready to act when the time is right): This course covers these topics.

Target Audience

Managers, intrapreneurs, product managers, executive that have a strong desire or need to apply artificial intelligence to their busiess.

Learning Objectives

Determine if:

  • A.I. Is the right approach to your business opportunity
  • Determine what pieces you need to carry the project and
  • What is the expected Return On Investment