Focus Meditation

Focus Meditation

Focus Meditation combines binaural healing with music. It exposes you to different frequencies to focus your brainwaves.

Blisspot Wellbeing,Dragan Stojkovski
Updated Dec 18, 2020

Focus Meditation uses binaural healing to activate and engage with the Alpha state, where your brain waves move at a frequency between 7-14 cycles per second. As the bridge between the Beta and theta waves, the frequency of alpha is a mental state of deep relaxation and detachment.

The results of this process are increased intelligence, reduced stress, and increased creativity.

Dragan Stojkovski is dedicated to creating meditations for health, vitality, relaxation, stress relief, and personal growth. He offers original compositions, including piano music, binaural beats, sacred chanting, meditation music, white noise soundscapes, nature sounds, atmospheres, and classical compilations to support your desired health and well-being outcomes.