

Elevate your mood and build your confidence.

Blisspot Wellbeing,Dragan Stojkovski
Updated Dec 18, 2020

Confidence Meditation uses binaural healing at 10Hz frequency to stimulate the enhanced release of serotonin which makes it an amazing mood elevator and confidence builder. 10 Hz is the dominant alpha frequency and it is a waiting frequency while the subconscious does its work at lower frequency levels. As a result, Dragan Stojkovski composed Confidence Meditation to specifically enhance the correlation of information in the subconscious state of mind.

In an alpha state, your brain waves move at a frequency between 7-14 cycles per second. As the bridge between beta and theta wave, the frequency of alpha is a mental state of deep relaxation and meditation.

Dragan Stojkovski is dedicated to creating meditations for health, vitality, relaxation, stress relief, and personal growth. He offers original compositions, including piano music, binaural beats, sacred chanting, meditation music, white noise soundscapes, nature sounds, atmospheres, and classical compilations to support your desired health and wellbeing outcomes.