Emotional Life Skills @ Work

Emotional Life Skills @ Work

David Versaw
Updated Jan 04, 2021

Now more than ever, it’s important to create a workplace culture where everyone is encouraged to pay attention to their own – and others' – emotional well-being. WILL Interactive has partnered with the mental health experts at Give an Hour to create an engaging interactive experience that offers practical day-to-day guidance for maintaining emotional well-being. This innovative program follows employees as they deal with a time of change and increased stress at work. Through an interactive movie, users learn to make the choices that will keep them positive and productive in the workplace.

Emotional Life Skills @ Work offers scenario modeling in a 'choose your own journey' educational format, combined with interactive exercises, assessments and a beautiful graphic design.

Learning Objectives include:

  • Building a Community of Support
  • Healthy Habits of Emotional Well-Being
  • Five Signs of Emotional Suffering
  • Emotional & Mental Health Facts & Figures