Effective Planning & Preparation For The Sale - Rapid Recall

Effective Planning & Preparation For The Sale - Rapid Recall

If you don't plan and prepare for a sale effectively beforehand, you could potentially be heading for a sales disaster.

Skillshub Ltd
Updated Sep 11, 2020

The Skillshub Effective Planning & Preparation For The Sale course will ensure firstly that you're ready mentally prepared with questions and have backups in case of any technology miss-functions.

Once the course is completed you will have learned the importance of planning for the sales interaction. By following our recommendations your confident will grow ready to face those sales interactions head on.

The Skillshub Rapid Recall Microlearning Series is made up of a Video, Action Planning, Cheat Sheet, Coaching Blueprint and Session Notes to allow you to take action back in the workplace. The session also requires you to pass a quick-fire quiz with a maximum of three multiple choice questions.